Re: Several questions about coil.
> >
> >Second question is about capacitors. I have made a 25nF rolled > >capacitor
> >, and it worked, but much worse than beer bottle capacitor. What can be
> >wrong with it ?
> It "should" work much better... I would check the value with a meter if
> you can. The only thing I can think of is their value is different than
> the saltwater cap and the tuning is off.
I checked the value with a meter , and it's really 25nF. I think that
the dielectric can be not really good. I used a foil , that is used in
gardening , but I really don't know what it is (Chemical composition).
Can You give me any URL of web page, where can I find dielectric value,
and dielectric loss , of popular materials.
> One thing is that you say you are
> only getting 4-5 inch sparks. With 2000 watts input you should be > getting
> much much longer sparks. Sounds like the tuning may be far off...
I was tuning my coil not by counting the number of turns , but with
moveable wire , and 4-5 inch sparks is the best result :-(
I think that my coil is allright, but my power source may be wrong
(heating device instead of variac, and lack of power factor correction),
and im not really convinced , taht my capacitor is working properly.
Also i want to ask You ,if you have any suggestions about sparkgap.
What kind of sparkgap schould I use in 2000W coil?
Kamil Kompa
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