
MMC & NST pics

Hey Guys,

Stan D was nice enough to let me have some web space on his "Tesla Coil Info
Depot" webpage  http://tesla.better-dot-org/	My page works MUCH better on his
server than it did on geocities.  Thanks Stan!

My new page can be found here (update your bookmarks if anyone has me

There aren't many good pics of the inner workings of a NST on the web, so I
decided to make some.  I have detailed photos of a depotted and cleaned
15/60 core here http://users.better-dot-org/roverstreet/components/psu.html	I
also have some test data demonstrating that the core isn't saturating even
at 180ma output.

The pics are a little different than my final configuration.  I have
replaced much of the Kapton tape with electrical tape since it wraps and
behaves much better.  I also added some additional PE sheeting to stop arc
over problems that I was having at 140V input (~14KV out).  The shunts are
now held in place using PE and plexi shims instead of the simple U-shaped
pieces of PE that I used for the photos.

I have some pics of my new MMC here
I used the same caps that Terry F and Brian B have been testing.  I liked
Brian's mounting scheme so I cloned it.  I haven't had a chance to run them
yet.  I will report back as soon I break 'em in.

Making arc in Huntington Beach, CA
Ross Overstreet