Magnet Wire Deal
Hi coil winders,
In the latest All Electronics catalog (#699) is the following new product:
10 pound roll of 22 gauge enamel coated copper magnet wire.
$35 (US) per roll. Catalog number MGW-22
For those not having access to a local motor repair shop, this is not a bad
deal for secondary wire. I suspect they will go fast - most mail order
bargains for wire don't last very long.
Contact them at 1-800-826-5432.
They also still carry the Victoreen SGCA-2500 ceramic spark gaps for $1.20
each, but they only handle 100 joule pulses. (Catalog # SGCA-2500D). And for
those on a tight budget, they have some small 0-200 AC volt meters for $1.75
which you could put in your control box to get a rough idea of variac voltage
or whatever. Catalog # MET-53. Sorry - no fabulous bargains on MMC caps.
--Steve Young