RE: Aerovox capacitor
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: RE: Aerovox capacitor
>Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:09:40 -0700
>Original Poster: Ted Rosenberg <TRosen1-at-Tandy-dot-com>
>I don't believe Aerovox is still around. But for older cap styles and a
>selection of caps for tube units, check Antique Radio Supply in Tempe AZ.
>Their websire is www.tubesandmore-dot-com and the catalog is on line.
>Subject: Aerovox capacitor
>Original Poster: Randy Burk <krubar-at-bright-dot-net>
>I need to replace some old Aerovox capacitors used in a geiger counter.
>Does anyone know if this company is still around? Do they have a web
>site? Were
>they bought by another firm? Thanks.
>Hi Randy,
Aerovox E-mail marketing-at-aerovox-dot-com Tel(508) 999-1000
Hope this helps.
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