
Re: Vf,Zo,R,G,L,C.....

Tesla List wrote:

> I tested my coil WITH the top load in place using a <1 ohm output Z
> Fo = 111.6kHz  Very strong.
> F(3/2) = 322.6kHz  Pretty good signal.
> Then there were two very small 488 and 650 kHz bumps.  Like 4Fo and 6Fo ???

The method that I used (see the archives) caused the appearance of
beating waveforms at each resonance, and allowed precise observation
of up to 10 resonances above the main one. With the top load in place
What should happen is a shift of the high-order resonances in the
direction of of the resonances with the top end of the line
short-circuited, that is: 2Fo, 4Fo, ..., instead of the resonances
with the top end open, 3Fo, 5Fo, ..., where Fo is the main resonance
-without- top load. Maybe the reason of the shift to low frequency
that I observed was the capacitance of the coil to ground (?).

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz