
Re: copper magnet wire

    I don't think it's # of bare turns per inch. #1 is 0.2893" in diameter
just a little shy of the 1" mark. I'm going to post a wire chart I have
below for anyone that wants it. Best if you look at it with a fixed font
then past it to notepad or something.
> Original Poster: "Bill Noble" <william_b_noble-at-email.msn-dot-com>
> Wire size is called the wire "gage" - smaller numbers mean bigger wire.
> I remember right, the wire's gage is the number of wires (without
> insulation) that will fit in a square inch - so "1" wire has a 1 inch
> diameter, 2 has a 1/sqrt(2) or about 3/4 inch diameter and so on.  There
> tables of these wire sizes in many reference books.

Wire Table for AWG 0000 to 40, with diam in mils, circular mils,
square microinches, ohms per foot, ft per lb, etc. mils = 0.001"

                       Wire Table  ANNEALED COPPER (AWG)
      AWG  DIA in  CIRC   SQUARE  OHM per LBS per FT per  FT per  OHM per
      gauge mils   MILS   MICROIN 1000 ft 1000 ft  LB     OHM     LB
      0000 460.0  211600  166200  0.04901 640.5   1.561   20400   0.00007652
      000  409.6  167800  131800  0.06180 507.9   1.968   16180   0.0001217
      00   364.8  133100  104500  0.07793 402.8   2.482   12830   0.0001935
      0    324.9  105500  82890   0.09827 319.5   3.130   10180   0.0003076
      1    289.3  83690   65730   0.1239  253.3   3.947   8070    0.0004891
      2    257.6  66370   52130   0.1563  200.9   4.977   6400    0.0007778
      3    229.4  52640   41340   0.1970  159.3   6.276   5075    0.001237
      4    204.3  41740   32780   0.2485  126.4   7.914   4025    0.001966
      5    181.9  33100   26000   0.3133  100.2   9.980   3192    0.003127
      6    162.0  26250   20620   0.3951  79.46   12.58   2531    0.004972
      7    144.3  20820   16350   0.4982  63.02   15.87   2007    0.007905
      8    128.5  16510   12970   0.6282  49.98   20.01   1592    0.01257
      9    114.4  13090   10280   0.7921  39.63   25.23   1262    0.01999
      10   101.9  10380   8155    0.9989  31.43   31.82   1001    0.03178
      11   90.74  8234    6467    1.260   24.92   40.12   794     0.05053
      12   80.81  6530    5129    1.588   19.77   50.59   629.6   0.08035
      13   71.96  5178    4067    2.003   15.68   63.80   499.3   0.1278
      14   64.08  4107    3225    2.525   12.43   80.44   396.0   0.2032
      15   57.07  3257    2558    3.184   9.858   101.4   314.0   0.3230
      16   50.82  2583    2028    4.016   7.818   127.9   249.0   0.5136
      17   45.26  2048    1609    5.064   6.200   161.3   197.5   0.8167
      18   40.30  1624    1276    6.385   4.917   203.4   156.6   1.299
      19   35.89  1288    1012    8.051   3.899   256.5   124.2   2.065
      20   31.96  1022    802.3   10.15   3.092   323.4   98.50   3.283
      21   28.46  810.1   636.3   12.80   2.452   407.8   78.11   5.221
      22   25.35  642.4   504.6   16.14   1.945   514.2   61.95   8.301
      23   22.57  509.5   400.2   20.36   1.542   648.4   49.13   13.20
      24   20.10  404.0   317.3   25.67   1.223   817.7   38.96   20.99
      25   17.90  320.4   251.7   32.37   0.9699  1031.0  30.90   33.37
      26   15.94  254.1   199.6   40.81   0.7692  1300    24.50   53.06
      27   14.20  201.5   158.3   51.47   0.6100  1639    19.43   84.37
      28   12.64  159.8   125.5   64.90   0.4837  2067    15.41   134.2
      29   11.26  126.7   99.53   81.83   0.3836  2607    12.22   213.3
      30   10.03  100.5   78.94   103.2   0.3042  3287    9.691   339.2
      31   8.928  79.70   62.60   130.1   0.2413  4145    7.685   539.3
      32   7.950  63.21   49.64   164.1   0.1913  5227    6.095   857.6
      33   7.080  50.13   39.37   206.9   0.1517  6591    4.833   1364
      34   6.305  39.75   31.22   260.9   0.1203  8310    3.833   2168
      35   5.615  31.52   24.76   329.0   0.09542 10480   3.040   3448
      36   5.000  25.00   19.64   414.8   0.07568 13210   2.411   5482
      37   4.453  19.83   15.57   523.1   0.06001 16660   1.912   8717
      38   3.965  15.72   12.35   659.6   0.04759 21010   1.516   13860
      39   3.531  12.47   9.793   831.8   0.03774 26500   1.202   22040
      40   3.145  9.888   7.766   1049.0  0.02993 33410   0.9534  35040

  Ohms per 1000ft, ft per Ohm, Ohms per Lb all taken at 20 deg. C (68 deg.