
Re: Designing an optimized Magnifier

John Freau wrote:

> Yes, I wasn't able to quench on those fast beats in my tests, but maybe
> with a *huge* maggy, running at very low frequency, the notches would
> be wide enough to possibly quench on those beats, but I think it will
> still be very difficult judging by the difficulty that Greg had in quenching
> on his classic Electrum TC. 

Note that the modes k,k+1,k+2 add gradually more beats before the
complete energy transfer, resulting in waveforms that are closer
to the ones of a conventional coil. But eventually the secondary
coil becomes too small, and C2 too big.

> Another question is whether or not the
> extra voltage will translate into longer sparks, since there seems to
> be some indication that spark lengths are quite dependent on
> power input rather than absolute voltage perhaps.  In any case, it
> will be interesting to see what happens.  Some sort of back to back
> H2 thryratrons might be helpful for fast quenching, or something like
> the GTO stacks that Greg mentioned.

Sucessful designs appear to use third coils with relatively low
self-capacitance, coupled to large terminals, using the fact
that in a magnifier it is possible to move the terminal away
from the driver without using a very long resonator coil. In
this way, very little energy will remain untransferred to the
terminal, in the self-capacitance of the resonator. The
optimum design guarantees that no energy is left in the driver
system when the terminal voltage is maximum.

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz