RF ground using a water pit?
I am moving to a cottage house where there is a 70 m deep water pit. All our
drinkable water comes from that pit, which is on our land.
The first idea was to put, say, a 3 m long stainless steel rod down into
the pit
and connect it to a solid copper cable: that would make a great TC RF ground!
The water in the pit comes up until about 1 m down from the soil level, so the
steel rod can easily make contact into the water. The connection to the copper
cable should instead stay dry.
Then I remembered the old experiment about the glass ball with water, a
primordial atmosfere, electrical discharges and the resulting creation of
elementary microorganisms. I began to think that maybe we don't know so much
about effects of high voltage high frequency electrical discharges in water.
Would you drink that water?
Would you use that ground?
Anybody who has been doing this before?