Re: Just Cryin'
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Just wonderin' (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:02:12 -0600
>Original Poster: Bob <misiura-at-nccoast-dot-net>
>If they were my NST's I wouldn't run them in parallel. I think the
>reason you are not getting a definitive answer, is the fact that the
>NST's are close in value. I haven't tried it, so this is only a
>At best case, the higher voltage transformer will pump voltage into
>lower one causing it to approach its current limit point faster, and
>generating heat. You won't have the benefit of twice the current at
>KV. (but they probably wouldn't self self-destruct immediately; no
>telling what happens when a spike comes back down the line from the
>The ARRL handbook of days gone by, showed a method of using two
>mismatched transformers. It doesn't seem to be in the more recent
>They took a third transformer, and used the center-tapped secondary,
>balance the output of the transformers. The third transformer had a
>secondary voltage rating of ~10% of the transformers to be matched.
>current rating was equal or above. Each of the (mismatched)
>transformers was fed into one half of the matching inductor
>(center-tapped xformer) and the output was taken from the center tap.
>With CT grounded NST's that probably means two matching inductors on
>each sets of outputs. (and if you really try it . . . remember that
>insulation on the matching inductor won't be sufficient to prevent an
>arc to the core, so the whole transformer will have to be insulated
>above ground).
>And "AAARRRGGGHHHH!" would be geek for what?
AARRGGHH!!: N ('argh')
1.Aurel expression of extreme angst, frustration, or destain.
2.Sound emitted from Chris immediately before tossing whatever
tool he's holding back on the bench and leaving the lab for at least
2 hours while mumbling something indecipherable. Usually accompanied
by long strings of oaths, obcenities, and political views. In the
event of the above it is safely assumed that lab work is done for the
>take care
>> Alright....now we've come full circle. Can't someone just tell me
>> with any degree of certainty wheather or not I can paralell these
>> things? I would like to pair the 12KV 30 to the 15KV 30 ...that
>> should be okay, the 12 sould be able to handle the higher voltage.
>> I also have a 7.5KV at 100mA that would rock but I'll probably let
>> the magic smoke out if I try to put 12 or 15 KV through it.
The Coronaphile, and scribe?
Christopher A. Boden
The Geek Group
344 Ionia SW
Grand Rapids MI
The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth!
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