
Re: Magnifier Coil form

Certainly possible - if you look on Tesla Technology Research's website
(http://www.ttr-dot-com I think) the Model 13M uses (very expensive) sitka
spruce squirrel cages for both coils. This is apparently the best
insulating wood that money can buy, presumably due to either being hard and
dry or very resinous. so glass would presumably be OK. My only concern
would be heat and vibration, and the possibility of self-arcing causing the
glass to shatter. Polycarbonate may be an alternative - which gives you the
opportunity to groove it and space-wind easily, which is what they did.
They also describe a very intelligent method of coupling the driver primary
to the secondary - wind the primary on the base of the form with tube, then
wind the secondary *above* this and directly connect its 'cold' end to the
top of the primary. This will eliminate pri-sec arcs and provide for very
high coupling factor.

Good luck with the system. Will it be ready for the UK Teslathon?

Alex Crow

PS are your 0.047u caps you have for sale the Philips 376 series - the
10,000V/uS rated ones?

From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Magnifier Coil form
Date: 21 April 1999 02:27

Original Poster: NickandSim-at-aol-dot-com 

Hi All,
         I was wondering if anyone had though of using a squirrel cage like

form for the secondary of a magnifier.  if you used glass laboratory
rods as the 'bars' of the sqirrel cage it would be much better than card or

wood and have the advantage of not being water permeable.

Any thoughts?

Nick Field