
Voltage/Length -> reactive losses

From:  Malcolm Watts [SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent:  Thursday, January 29, 1998 2:45 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Voltage/Length -> reactive losses

Hi Jim,

> From:  Jim Monte [SMTP:JDM95003-at-UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU]
> Sent:  Wednesday, January 28, 1998 11:46 AM
> To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:  Re: Voltage/Length -> reactive losses
> >From:  John H. Couture [SMTP:couturejh-at-worldnet.att-dot-net]
> >Sent:  Wednesday, January 28, 1998 2:17 AM
> >To:  Tesla List
> >Subject:  Re: Voltage/Length (fwd)
> >
> < big snip >
> >  Note that energy and power transfer between the pri and sec circuits is
> >always 100 percent (Skilling). This is easily understood. The transfer is by
> >induction and there are no losses in inductive reactance. Also, there are no
> >equations for losses in inductive or capacitive reactances. The coil
> >resistance losses and the capacitor dissipation losses are all Ohms law (not
> >reactive)  losses.
>   Unfortunately, any loss is still a loss and will reduce total energy
>   available to do other things.  Talking about "reactive losses",
>   how about energy lost to stray coupling to other objects?  For
>   example, has anyone looked into losses due to coupling of the
>   primary to a good earth ground as a function of primary distance
>   above ground?  Is this negligible?

You are quite right. It is not negligible. You can easily measure a 
change in Q if you move a good primary further away from the floor.
Your note on the losses is appreciated. I have tried to make the same 
point on other occasions.
