
Static Gap Question??

From:  Thomas McGahee [SMTP:tom_mcgahee-at-sigmais-dot-com]
Sent:  Monday, January 26, 1998 2:10 PM
To:  Tesla List
Cc:  mwise-at-ns.sosis-dot-com
Subject:  Re: Static Gap Question??

> From:  Zuma [SMTP:mwise-at-ns.sosis-dot-com]
> Sent:  Sunday, January 25, 1998 8:36 PM
> To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:  Static Gap Question??
> On my past two coils I ran the gaps in the type setup. Until now I just
> realized that I don't think it was quenching for peak performance.
> My gaps consist of this, two 6 inch long metal pieces (they are at 90
> degrees in the shape of an 'L') they have 7 holes drilled in each piece,
> I place 7 bolts on each metal piece, then each of the bolts have a cap
> nut on them (rounded). These two pieces are mounted parallel to each
> other, then I wound set the distance between the gaps to about .2 each.
> But what I just realized is that regardless of the seven total gaps, I
> noticed that the sparks would jump around to different electrodes but
> they never fired all together. Which I think was not giving me total
> quenching. I never noticed because I guess that I was satisfied with
> my first coils output (20 inches/15000-at-30ma) and my second coils output
> (9 inches/7500-at-30ma). Also on my first coil I used a fan on it to
> quench.
> Could someone tell me me if this is right. If it is I am probably going
> to find me a new setup for my spark gap.
> Thanks, Chris

Chris, your gaps are in parallel instead of in series. So each gap will
have the SAME voltage across it. The first one that fires will usually
be the only one that fires *that* time. Variances in the gaps such as
heated ions etc. will influence which gap fires next.

You need to build a SERIES style Gap, such as the RQ Static Gap. You
will notice an IMMEDIATE increase in output quality.

Hope this helps.
Fr. Tom McGahee