
Reflected Power

From:  RODERICK MAXWELL [SMTP:tank-at-mail.magnolia-dot-net]
Sent:  Sunday, January 25, 1998 5:19 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Reflected Power

I'm in the process of rewinding the secondary of the output
transformer of my flyback converter. In an attempt to match the
impedence of the Tesla coil I'm adding more turns. Are there any ham
radio operators on the list that knows what reflected power looks like
on a O,scope? I've been seeing a strange waveform on the scope and I
think this what is occuring. 
               /\          /\        /\          /\        /
              /  \        /  \      /  \        /  \      /
             /    \      /    \    /    \      /    \    /
            /      \    /      \  /      \    /      \  /
           /        \  /        \/        \  /        \/
                     /\        /  \        /\        /  \
                    /  \      /    \      /  \      /    \
                   /    \    /      \    /    \    /      \
                  /      \  /        \  /      \  /        \
                 /        \/          \/        \/          \

   This is a representation of the waveforms I'm seeing when I increase
the voltage applied to the circuit (things were so much easier when I
was driving a resistive load!).

                                Frankensteins Helper