
Voltage/Length (fwd)

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Saturday, January 24, 1998 10:27 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re:  Voltage/Length (fwd)

"  Jim -

  Tuve, et al did build and test a 5 MV TC in 1930. A drawing is shown in
the Tesla Coil Construction Guide. Also shown are some calculations on how
they determined the power gain.

  The Guide also shows a test method to measure the TC secondary voltage of
a small TC using a remote pickup probe. I made some tests with this setup
using a small TC but the results were inconclusive.

  John Couture"

	What do you mean by power gain in the above statement?????
Reactive volt-ampers in the secondary can never exceed those in
the primary, even for a system without losses.... (Make that volt-amperes).
	I can't see how a pickup probe could give reasonable answers
unless there were no corona or streamers.