
Kraft paper (fwd)

From: Daniel W. Hess                                pager; 214 910 8489
      1605 LBJ Fwy.                            Daniel Hess-at-Vnet.ibm-dot-com
      Dallas, TX  75234                          territory R21  B/O 519
Subject: Kraft paper (fwd)
Kraft paper, IMHO is a low quality, low cost paper product. Grocery bags
are made from from a heavy guage kraft paper. In my neck of the woods, we
have a place called The Container Store which carries shipping supplies,
boxes, stuffing and so on. They carry both a bleached white and a non-
bleached, (brown grocery bags are non bleached,) general purpose wrapping
paper. Art supply houses such as Michaels or M. J. Designs also carry the
stuff for the same purpose. I've heard on this list that the unbleached
variety has less chance of being flawed or contaminated, (surface defects
which may promote capacitor failure,) but the samples I've seen have con-
vinced me to go with the white stuff.

The thinnest paper I've found is 3 mils which is about the same thickness
as standard notebook paper. You should have seen the look on the clerks
face as I was measuring a $2.00 roll of paper with my micometer!

The purpose of the kraft paper is to wick oil between the foil plates and
dielectric layers so as to eliminate air and/or dry spots.

Hope this helps,
Daniel Hess

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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 98 01:39:42 -0500
From: Adam <absmith-at-tiac-dot-net>
To: tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Kraft paper

I keep seeing mention of "Kraft" paper in capacitor discussions.  What is
this and where can I get some to try?
