
Corum's work

From: 	FutureT[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Monday, January 05, 1998 2:17 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Corum's work


I don't know if you have this info:

Some info here from a 1988 appendix by the Corums.  Seems they used
a Ford spark coil buzzer as a spark gap, and they used a 24VDC supply,
for their TC, for their coherence time measurements.

They observed the large voltage rise after the spark break using a scope
connected across ground and the terminal ball.

Specs for the coil are:

C1 = .08uF
L1 = 71uH
R1 = 2.0 ohms
L2 = 105mH
C2 = 48 pF (lumped fo = 71 kHz)
R2 = 616 ohms
M = 707 uH
Vo = 24 volts

f1 = 61.1 kHz
f2 = 80.1 kHz  (coupled frequencies)

D = 24"
n = 780 turns
dW = .102"  (#10 copper)
CT = 24 pF
H = 84"
fo2 = 67 kHz (resonator freq)

V Top/V base = 92.7
Vf = .0028
VSWR = 99.0
Z = 38077
Q = 60

Corums say that they see a noticeable shifting or "fm-ing" of the 
frequency from the predominant coupled freq towards 71kHz, the
resonator's natural freq, after the break, along with a dramatic
voltage rise, over the 71.2 coherence time.  They refer to the 
drawing that you've seen which shows the voltage building up to
about 2kV at the end of coherence time.

They observed the performance of other secondary coils and
saw similar results that matched their coherence time calcs.

I realize Malcolm that you've never seen evidence of this coherent
build-up during your many tests, and neither have I, sparking or
non-sparking, but I thought the above might be of interest.

BTW, did you get a chance to measure the repetition rate of your
"300 watts-from-capacitor-gives-60"-sparks" TC over the holidays?

Happy Teslarian New Year! 
John Freau