
Re: DC Tesla Coil

From: 	Alfred C. Erpel[SMTP:aerpel-at-op-dot-net]
Sent: 	Sunday, January 04, 1998 7:25 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: DC Tesla Coil

Greg and All,

AE>> To get DC into the tank
AE>> capacitor, is it as simple as feeding rectified AC into your

GL> ??!!??  Only the AC component of the ripple would make it
GL> through, assuming the core wasn't saturated...
GL> The DC component would simply treat the transformer as
GL> a space heater.  Rectification must occur after the xfmr.

    Your the second person who questioned this. I will clarify what I mean.


the symbol  >  below, denotes diode pointing in + direction

               / \
              /   \
             >     >
            /       \
120 AC in  o         o-----------0||0--------tank circuit
           |\       /            0||0
           | >     >             0||0
           |  \   /              0||0
           |   \ /               0||0  neon sign transformer
----------------o                0||0       secodary
           |                     0||0
           |                     0||0
           |                     0||0
           o---------------------0||0--------tank circuit

    Wouldn't the wave form below, put out by the bridge above, be just fine
to as an input into a NST primary?

           |    ---        ---        ---
           |   /   \      /   \      /   \
           |  /     \    /     \    /
           | /       \  /       \  /
           |/         \/         \/

Alfred Erpel