
Re: Tesla Coil toroid Size (the point of no return)

> I guess I did "something really stupid" way back in the 1930s when I
> close-wound a ~30" secondary with #36 ssc wire on the hypothesis that more
> turns  = more volts.  Fired up with a transformer home-brewed from the
> innards of two Ford coils and a glass plate condenser.  I t gave me only a
> 4" discharge, but it was hot and crackling with enough energy to light a 25
> watt bulb when conducted through my body (not at all shocking, though I did
> get a hot foot through sparks to the nails in the floor boards.)
> Norm


We all have done stupid things with coils.  They are allowed in those early
efforts.  The great thing is that they still work after a fashion and spur
us on.

Richard Hull, TCBOR