
Nasty Oudin Coils

From:  Atle Jorstad [SMTP:anjorsta-at-online.no]
Sent:  Monday, March 23, 1998 9:43 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Nasty Oudin Coils

>Ahhhh! There's the disgusting part about these things. Look at the
>schematic carefully and you'll see that one end of the secondary
>connects to the primary, and that one end of the primary connects
>directly to the AC power cord. Now, ***IF*** this connection is
>to the AC Neutral wire, then things would not be ***too*** bad.
>But if that connection just happens to be to the AC Hot wire, well,
>things can get a bit interesting!!!
>Where does the resonator base current "go"? Why right into the
>house wiring, of course. (Gag, choke, barf). With the Oudin style
>connection the primary is always connected to either ground or
>to the AC wiring. Not a very happy state of affairs. In fact,
>one might say that it could be downright dangerous. 
>Many of the therapeutic devices based on the Oudin coil could give
>the user a real jolt if connected up to the AC the wrong way. In 
>even the best of situations the Oudin coil (especially the ones
>with the kick coil and interrupter scheme) can send all kinds of
>hash and trash down the AC wiring. They are great if you really 
>**enjoy** watching snow on your TV, or listening to strange hissing
>noises coming from your Radio or stereo system.
>I am not a proponent of the Oudin coil. I have built a few dozen of
>the things in the past and am quite fond of the 'violet ray' 
>machines that were based on them, but honestly, they generally are
>electrically 'noisy', and can even be dangerous if plugged in
If the secondary was disconnected from the primary, would the thing still work?
I guess it would. Does it become a tesla coil then?
Atle Jorstad