
Sanity Check for me

From:  D.C. Cox [SMTP:DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net]
Sent:  Tuesday, March 17, 1998 11:18 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Sanity Check for me

to: Mike

You can use that tube if you use a powerful solvent like acetone & xylol to
clean all the conductive "gunk" off it.  Sand it both inside & outside &
coat with glyptal (2-3 coats) allowing 8-12 hrs drying between each coat. 
Would suggest winding with 18 or 20 AWG PVC coated wire.  A 20 inch x 5
toroid for top electrode.  Cap size .03 to .04 MFD and drive at 120-180 ma
with a potential xmfr.  Non-synchro rotary sparkgap with 10 electrodes
running at 1725 RPM with two gaps on each side (4 total gaps around
spinning rotor) hooked in series for good quenching.  Should produce solid
5-6 ft sparks in this configuration.  Skip the small magnet wire -- would
take a 0.15-0.18 cap to resonate (quite expensive) and require a much
larger toroid (again expensive).  It could be done but using the parameters
I have suggested you will have a nice, stable, happy coil with good spark
output.  (emphasis on happy here).


> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: 'Tesla List' <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Sanity Check for me
> Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 12:29 AM
> ----------
> From:  baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu [SMTP:baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu]
> Sent:  Monday, March 16, 1998 3:45 AM
> To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:  Sanity Check for me
> I have the opportunity to get a rather large diameter chunk of PVC,
> and am now dreaming of that monster coil. However, when I start running
> the numbers - I need a sanity check from some of you more familiar with
> this size beast:
> What I have the chance for is some 18" diameter PVC, in about 6ft
> sections. Leaving my sanity out of the question for the moment, i
> thought this would be a rather nice coilform. 
> Then I started running numbers: 
> If I use 18AWG wire, WinTesla tells me that at 44inches, I would
> have an unloaded frequency of about 77Khz, at an HD ratio of 2.35
> This is about 1000 turns and about 5000 ft of wire.
> If I use 22AWG still aiming for 1000 turns: ratio drops to 1.5 (27")
> and frequency to about 70Khz
> I would assume the 18AWG is required to keep the resistive losses
> down.
> Throw a 6"x36" toroid on there, and the frequencys drop to the
>  40khz range, and the cap size jumps from about 0.03 to 0.07 for 22awg
>  and from 0.02 to 0.05 for the 18AWG, operating frequencies drop
>  into the 40Khz range
> Primary would be close to 100ft of tubing if I used 1/4"
> Would I be wasting my time? And if so, is there a use for this 
> large PVC that I don't see? [It's going in the trash unless I find
> a use..]
> -- 
> --
> Michael Baumann  Optivus Technology Inc.|Loma Linda University Medical
> San Bernardino, California. (909)799-8308 |Internet: baumann-at-llumc.edu