
poly cap "test to the death!"

From:  David [SMTP:davmckin-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com]
Sent:  Friday, March 13, 1998 2:17 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: poly cap "test to the death!"

Tesla List wrote:
> ----------
> From:  Jeff Corr [SMTP:corr-at-enid-dot-com]
> Sent:  Wednesday, March 11, 1998 7:52 PM
> To:  tesla-2 list; tesla list
> Subject:  poly cap "test to the death!"
> Today after working on my Tesla Coil, I decided test a cap, to its
> death, just to see how long it would last.  The value was 3000pF,
> and it was rated at 11kv (using 350 volts per mil).  It was connected
> to a 9kv, 30ma neon sign transformer across the high voltage
> terminals, and in parrellel with the cap I placed a spark gap.  The cap
> was in 2" PVC and was soaked in mineral oil.   (Time is in minutes
> past.)
> Start time - started the neon
> 5:15 - Spark gap volume lowered slightly, no visual damage to cap yet.
> 13:13 - Slight burnt smell, cap warm to touch
> 15:15 - RTV Silicon fails, dripping a small amount of oil.
> 16:40 - Oil leaking from both endcaps
> 30:40 - PVC *VERY* hot
> 34:35 - gap goes silent
> 34:40 - one endcap burst off throwing burnt debris all over my garage
> Jeff Corr
> 2114 Monitor
> Enid, OK 73703
> http://www.harvestcomm-dot-net/personal/corr/

Dear Jeff,

Would you please provide the construction information
such as what type of dielectric you used and how thick
it was and what type of foil you used in the construction
of this capacitor.  I apologize that I missed it if you
had already posted it.  Thank you.

David L. McKinnon