
Rectify ac input?

From:  daniel_hess-at-vnet.IBM-dot-com [SMTP:daniel_hess-at-vnet.IBM-dot-com]
Sent:  Sunday, March 01, 1998 11:08 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Rectify ac input?

>out the secondary. On the other hand if you put the xfmr OUTPUT through a
>rectifier bridge you get a nice 120pps to your spark gap and coil primary.
>jim heagy

Yeah, but it would have to be at least a 15kv rectifier. I was trying to
avoid that process. If I can get away from this damn laptop long enough,
I may just go out into my shop and try it.

John Freau also sugested a half wave, (single diode,) as well. Either way,
I suspect that the reactance of the xformer primary will see it as dc
and current will skyrocket. A 1 ohm xformer primary, (dc resistance,) at
120 volts dc will draw 120 amps. Hence, I'll current limit the ac and
use a variac and monitor the current, as well as see what comes out of
the secondary. I'll post results.

Daniel Hess