ISO longer sparks at less i
From: Dale Hall [SMTP:Dale.Hall-at-trw-dot-com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 9:06 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: ISO longer sparks at less i
ISO = In Search Of
MultiTap_MultiGap, Multi<>Cap_Single_Tap, Multi=Cap_Multi<>Tap
Progressive_Tap_MultiGap, Progressive_Tap_Gap
To list:
I am pondering methods to achieve longer spark discharges (SD) while reducing
required input power. My theory is that a long SD's may be achieved by
providing properly timed multiple close spaced primary energy dumps with a
delay before the next burst. The nature of the SD's will change from hundreds
of widely varying in length to fewer, each of a longer length thus requiring less
overall average input power to achieve the fewer but max length SD's.
(rates: DC=infinitely variable <1 to >20?, ac=50/60 unipol or 100/120 bipol)
For the AC input case it would be nice for 2*120=2.4KW to provide SD's of 6' to
up to 20' maybe more. I think this can be achieved. The trade off should be the
number of cap dumps per second must be redistributed (bunched) with the
overall number reduced. In the RSG case increasing the break rate increases
SD length provided there is adequate input power available. At 480 bps / 60 Hz
= 8 SD's per cycle (4 in pos cycle 4 in neg cycle) or one every 16.67/8 =
2.08ms which represents the time the Pri Cap has to charge before it is
switched to the Pri inductor. The challenge is to come up with an approach that
allows multiple closely spaced switched charges (2 for now more later) in ~10us
up to ~1ms bursts occuring only once (all pos or all neg) or twice per cycle
(oneof ea polarity to see if bipolarity is a factor in producing longer SD's) -
separatedby 8.3ms or 16.7ms. The RSG implementation could be an inner row
for the extra cap positioned to align just after the outer row breaks.
A differential concentric adjustment scheme would be desirable.
The DC input case would allow more flexibility in time between bursts allowing
further reduction of input power vs SD length as it needn't keep step with the
varying sine wave. Its implementation could consist of vacuum switches and
timed electronic activation. The DC case could be set up for unipolarity or
bipolarity. DC should permit very long SD's at very low average input power
since the time between bursts is unconstrained.
The general approach is to use two (more later) primary charge sources to allow
two (or more) close spaced primary energy dumps. This requires two charge
sources (NST's), two Discharge Caps of equal value and two (or more) switch
paths to two spaced taps. The first dump at "before streamer" resonance is
followed by a second at a little higher inductance tap (further along the turn
= lower Fres) to account for a slightly larger Sec top capacitance streamer
which slightly lowers Fres, corrected with a little more inductance.
The second streamer will hopefullly build onto and enlarge the first streamer.
Alternately two slightly different capacitances and two (or more) switch paths
to the same tap could affect the same result.
Unknown for either is if it is possible to switch multiple dumps of high energy
close together without one triggering the other. Then again this coupled
triggering might be usable and desirable in the quest for adding subsequent
charge to the existing streamer.
Has anyone tried this ? likely to ? comments ? Dale, Redondo Beach, Calif