

From:  Julian Green [SMTP:julian-at-kbss.bt.co.uk]
Sent:  Sunday, June 14, 1998 6:24 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: interference

> From:  D.C. Cox [SMTP:DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net]
> Sent:  Friday, June 12, 1998 12:40 PM
> To:  Tesla List
> Subject:  Re: interference
> to: Julian
> You should run a pair of commercial RF filters in series -- 2 stage EMI
> supression.  Also a 1 1/2 size ferrite toroid with aprox 2 turns on each
> leg of your power wires (hot and neutral) will help reduce any additional
> RF.  It's also a good idea to use a few varisters from each line to ground
> at the xmfr input power points.  This along with a 1 K, 50 watt resistor
> off each xmfr bushing will help to keep RF kickback into the power lines at
> a minimum.  

At present I dont use EMI supression units - I couldnt find anything large
enough.   My coil is pole pig powered and draws 13-15 amps when running.  I
have no PFC caps either.

I was hoping that the 100meter extension lead that I use to power the pig
would act as RF supression and balast.   A coiled externsion lead looks like 
this (I think):

 Live   >---OOOOOOOO--->
            --------      Load
Neutral >---OOOOOOOO--->

and has a DC resistance of 5 Ohms.   I see this circuit printed on the side
of RFI supression units.   

The radio walk test was conducted with the coil running at a 'safe' power
level and no streamers.   The radio was tuned to 200KHz (same as my coil).
I walked roughly 50feet and the interference on the radio stopped - this 
supprised me as I thought I had a long walk ahead of me.   When the coil is
running with no spark breakout there is little or no interference on TV 

>From the above tests do you think that the coiled extension lead is doing
OK, or should I setup better RFI supression?

I also have a question about PFC - how do you calculate/guestimate the value
of the cap needed?  (If I power up the pole pig with primary cap connected and
spark gap open the pole pig is drawing 4Amps.  Its a 5KVA unit 240V - 11Kv)

> Don't forget to invite your neighbors over for a free BBQ
> sometime soon -- if they understand what you are doing and think your work
> is "cool" they are not so likely to think of you as a "geek" whose sole
> intent is to destroy their TV reception while they are watching their
> favorite prime time shows -- and be sure to find out when they watch the
> most and don't run during those times.  Trying hard to be a "good neighbor
> with an interesting hobby" goes a long way towards reducing the
> neighborhood pest syndrome.
> DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net

Tried that - no joy.   More 2am coiling for me then.

Julian Green