
High voltage list

From:  Thornton, Russ #CSR2000 [SMTP:ThorntoR-at-rc.pafb.af.mil]
Sent:  Tuesday, February 03, 1998 7:10 AM
To:  'Tesla discussion Group'
Subject:  High voltage list

Is anyone else having trouble sending to the High Voltage List?
I keep getting bounced back messages.

I am, therefore, asking forgiveness for posting this through the Tesla
list but I believe several will benefit from the information.

Greetings All,

With all of the talk of hamfests I thought I would compile a list of the
ones I know about for the first quarter of this year.  They are in order
of states.
Hope this helps.  Let me know if you think I should post it to the Tesla
list, also.


P.S. I formatted it the best I could with the Microsoft mail that I
have. Hope it is readable by all.

Location			Date			Contact info

Englewood, FL			Mar 7 			gshreve-at-ewol-dot-com
Miami, FL			Feb 7-8			edg-at-elink-dot-net or http://hamboree-dot-org
New Port Richie, FL		Mar 7			Rick -at- 813-842-2127
Orlando, FL			Feb 13-15		www.oarc-dot-org(this is big and where I am)
Sarasota, FL			Feb 21-22		http://www.saraclub-dot-org/show.html
Laport, Indiana			Feb 28			John -at- 219-326-7182, evenings
Indainapolis, Ind			Mar 8			dbauerfiend-at-cleveland.dfas.mis
Cave City, Ky			Mar 7			bwilkinson-at-flasgow-ky-dot-com
Lewiston, Maine			Mar 6-7			rjames-at-dlois-dot-com
Marlborough, Mass		Feb 14			Ann Weldon -at- 508-481-4988 before 9 PM
Traverse City, Mich		Feb 14			Joe -at- 616-947-8555
Blaine, Minn			Feb 14			612-537-1722
Jackson, Miss			Feb 7-8			ab5wf-at-juno-dot-com
Absecon, NJ			Mar 7			Eva -at- 609-407-2923
Cincinnati, OH			Feb 21-22		513-531-3834
Cuyahoga Falls, OH		Feb 22			hamfest-at-neo.lrun-dot-com(could be Lrun or Irun,
can't tell)
Mansfiled, OH			Feb 8			Pat Ackerman -at- 419-589-7133 After 6 PM EST
Rickreall, OR			Feb 21			http://www.teleport-dot-com/n7ifj/sraflyer.htm
Harrisburg, PA			Feb 14			fabinfo-at-fabral-dot-com
Latrobe, PA			Feb 8			Chris Weiss 412-537-6068
Pittsburgh, PA			Feb 22			Steve Lane:  saine-at-sgi-dot-net or 412-341-1043
Charleston, S CArolina		Feb 7			Jenny Myers WA4USN-at-amsat-dot-org or
Milton, VT			Feb 28			http://www.ranv.together-dot-com
Vienna, VA			Feb 22			Mike -at- 703-834-5000 ext. 2729
Fayetteville, W. VA		Feb 22			Richard Roy -at- (home)304-469-3292,
Waukesha, Wisconsin		Mar 8			mjadams-at-execpc-dot-com

Russ Thornton
CSR 2040, 
Building 989, Rm.  A1-N20
Phone: (407) 494-6430 
Email: thorntor-at-rc.pafb.af.mil