
Silicon oil?

From:  Michael Baumann [SMTP:baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu]
Sent:  Saturday, January 31, 1998 10:25 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Silicon oil?

I hope someone can help here.. I have a chance to get 5gallons
of some cooling/inuslating oil.. [ they are changing the oil
in our ion source]
The stuff is labeled polydimethylsiloxane [Dow Corning 200]

Anyone here have an idea of what I might have here?
[yes, I can experiment later.. but if its not worth it, I'll
just let the hazmat guy take it.

Michael Baumann  Optivus Technology Inc.|Loma Linda University Medical Center
San Bernardino, California. (909)799-8308 |Internet: baumann-at-llumc.edu