Donner und Blitzen
From: Bill Lemieux [SMTP:gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 12:06 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Donner und Blitzen
> L.Robertson wrote:
> > Why not put a jolly big pulse discharge capacitor
> > between the bottom of the secondary and ground.
> > Charge it up to many tens of kV, then crank up the
> > coil as usual. Any ionization path to ground ought
> > to benefit from the energy stored in the big cap.
Some thoughts:
* the self-inductance of the secondary ought to considerably slow down
any high-powered discharge from the cap
* if you do manage to generate a very high current pulse from the cap,
there may be some potential for damaging your secondary windings.
However, I think this unlikely because the peak current ought to be
drastically limited by the secondary inductance
* won't the cap change the resonant frequency of the secondary quite a
. personal email: gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com .
. personal web page: http://www-dot-netherworld-dot-com/~gomez .