How do I make my HV chokes?
From: Rick Myers [SMTP:rcm-at-chile.cs.itc.hp-dot-com]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 1998 5:59 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: How do I make my HV chokes?
>>>Gary Lau wrote:
>>> I have seen advice advocating L-and/or-R-only protection networks posted
>>> to this list many times but have not seen any rationale for using these
>>> configurations beyond anecdotal "I've been using this and had no failures
>>> yet". Can anyone defend series-only protection networks in a more
>>> analytical manor?
>Having ranted on this topic now, I must confess that despite following my
>professed beliefs and meticulously constructing an L-R-C-safety gap
>network, and measuring and confirming that my chokes aren't saturating, I
>still killed a 15KV/60mA NST, later reviving it by depotting and
>repotting in Vasoline. Could it be that NST's in tar are doomed
>regardless, but detarred, rebuilt ones have better survival rates?
>Sorry for this anecdotal theory ;-)
One thing nobody has mentioned here is the need to prevent 60Hz resonance
in the NST. This is probably what killed the above-mentioned transformer.
The LRC network not only keeps RF from getting into the NST, it must
also protect the NST from 60Hz resonance. Brent Turner has some good info
on this in his book.