
Building a monster Tesla coil

From:  Malcolm Watts [SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent:  Sunday, February 22, 1998 4:24 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Building a monster Tesla coil

       Have you *measured* the output as being 1.5MV or are you going 
on spark length?


> From:  FPMJD-at-aol-dot-com [SMTP:FPMJD-at-aol-dot-com]
> Sent:  Friday, February 20, 1998 11:42 PM
> To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:  Re: Building a monster Tesla coil
> This is not my first coil , I have built three very successful
> coils ranging in size from 1,000,000 volts to approximatly
> 1,500,000  volts output with four foot arcs .
