would a 15kv 300 amp mri power supply
From: Greg Leyh [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 1998 4:57 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: would a 15kv 300 amp mri power supply
> would a 15kv 300 amp mri power supply
> be ok for a tesla coil? because i might be getting one
> no it is not milliamps it is amps and i have to get a special
> generator to run it
Unfortunately, your power supply impedance is a
bit too low for TC service. At that power level
180,000 V at 25 A would be more preferable as the
prime power source, IMO.
Standard generators are available off the shelf
that could power this unit, such as the 5.0 MW
Allison 501 Twin Gas Turbine. such a unit can
be had in used condition for about $490,000 USD.