
Trip to RF Gulch

From:  Greg Leyh [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent:  Monday, February 16, 1998 3:24 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Trip to RF Gulch

Hi All,

Over this last very rainy weekend I went down to LA
on several missions, one of which was to meet up with
Bill Wysock and Jeff Parisse.  Although Jeff had his
hands full dealing with the idiots at Disney, I had
the good fortune to catch Bill Wysock at home, who 
gave me the nickel-tour of his "RF Gulch".

The Wysock spread is one of the most intensive uses
of a residential site that I have ever seen, although
the immediate neighbors seem to be into it.  The 
garage and back yard contain a functional machine shop
and an impressive inventory of HV equipment.  I was
struck by the obvious lack of cheap junk, which I have
grown so accustomed to here in SF.

Aside from a well stocked library and a fully equipped
listening room that would make even Neil Young blush,
I was especially impressed by Bill's collection of 
turn-of-the-century medical and X-Ray equipment, all
pain-stakingly restored to showroom condition.  The 
Tesla Museum in Belgrade would do well to have even
half of what I saw in Bill's living room!
Most of the units feature a Tesla or Oudin resonator
in some form at the core of the machine, beautifully
executed with a craftmanship that has long since 
disappeared.  The elaborate design and construction of
these machines illustrate how much turn-of-the-century 
engineers considered TC design a high art, and how the 
layman held TC's as nothing short of magic.  

Bill showed me many great pix of the construction and 
testing of Model 13 and his other coil projects, as well as 
pictures of the early TC gatherings held in his backyard. 
These gatherings, which served as predecessors to the 
modern 'Teslathons', often attracted heavyweights such as 
Ken Strickfaden.

The next time that I make it to LA, I'm going to bring
my camping gear and set up camp in the Tesla wing of
Bill's library.