
A conclusion for all those who helped...

From:  Dan Ressler [SMTP:danz_da_man-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Sent:  Saturday, February 07, 1998 11:55 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  A conclusion for all those who helped...

Hey all,
Im the guy who took on making a tesla coil for my science project with a 
limited time to do it...  So now Im done, and it has turned out very 
well, I think.  After much trouble shooting the result was 15" sparks 
with all low budget stuff.  It looks very cool.....and I will try to get 
out some pictures (even though it is not one of these fancy shmancy 3 
billion volt jobs).  Thanks all, next it WILL be a fancy shmancy 
coil........thanks all.