Neons and shunts
From: Alfred A. Skrocki [SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 1998 7:56 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Neons and shunts
On Sunday, February 01, 1998 6:23 PM Shaun O'Brien
[SMTP:shaunobrien-at-geocities-dot-com] wrote;
> I recently took a 12Kv 30ma France neon apart and removed shunts. There were
> 20 plates per shunts I took 4 out the first time and there was no current
> increase. I eventauly took 9 out. Leaving 11 pieces per shunt. I now get
> 48.5ma out. I don't get any more current out until I take 5 out, then I get
> 33ma. I was wondering why I have to take so many shunt plates out to get so
> little current increase. I have heard most people only take 3-4 to get this
> much out. The transformer put out 30ma before I took any shunt plates out.
The effectiveness of a shunt is determined by the width of each plate times
the thickness of eacr plate time the number of plates, ie it is determined
by the cross sectional area of the shunt. Now if one person has a
transformer with narrow thick shunt plates, they will get larger current
increases from the removal of each plate than one who has a transforner
with the same width but thinner plates.
\\ ~ ~ //
( -at- -at- )
Alfred A. Skrocki
Visit my Do-It-Yourself Aquarium WEB page at;
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