
rotory problem

From:  dwight duncan [SMTP:duncand-at-ccsalpha2.nrl.navy.mil]
Sent:  Friday, February 06, 1998 5:58 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  rotory problem

Hi all,

    I am having problems with my rotory gap.  It seems to be only firing
occasionally and the safety gap is firing almost continually.  The safety
gap is adjusted with the feeds disconnected from the tank and so it will
not fire when transformers are energized.
    When the rotory gap is running I get many small breakout off the torus
and once and a while I get a strong 46" discharge.  The gap is a 12" dia.
acrylic disc with a 11" dia. bolt circle with 16 holes.  In the holes I
have 8-32 stainless all-thread studs 1.5" long.  The stationary electrodes
are .25" Elkonite(75%Cu:25%W) that are ground to points and are 2.5" long.
    Now here is what I think is the essence of the problem.  It is driven
by a 1/3 HP, 2400 rpm non-sync brushed type motor.  I was hoping that with
16 breaks and with the rpm I could comuntate the gap enough so that syncing
to the line would not be a problem as I have read on the list before.  But
I think my hopes are not being fulfilled.
    Does anyone agree or disagree with my analysis.  Is there some other
problem I am not seeing?  I think that once the gap is working properly and
I can deliver the power more effectively, the coil should give me very good
performance, maybe 72" discharge based on the data I have so far on this
coils current operation.
    Please give me your suggestions and any comments, they are all very
much welcome and appreciated.

