(Bizarre) Strange Spark Phenomena
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com [SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 1998 8:48 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: (Bizarre) Strange Spark Phenomena
In a message dated 98-02-04 13:41:26 EST, you write:
<< >John,
> This notion of the vhf short standing waves was mentioned by me a possible
> agent earlier in yet another post and might well be the real causitive
>agent. I believe this was referred to by Tesla in numberous places in the
> CSN. Years ago, I thought Tesla was referring the the shortwave RF
> oscillation frequency of the coil itself impressing, by induction, energy
> onto things in the local vacinity. It has only been in the last four years
> that I come to understand the real shortness of these waves. They cannot
> exist without spark issuing and are most intense only when a ground path is
> found! Within an unconnected spark, in air, they would have to respond as a
> true dipole or bipolar system and the half wave and not the quarter wave
> would be predominant.
> Richard Hull, TCBOR
> I characteriszed the arc as a resonant system in and of itself.
> Richard Hull
Richard, Dave, all,
These were free air sparks.
BTW, I tried Dave Sharpe's level shifting method last night -- quick
lash-up. Sparks were brighter, longer, fatter, fuzzier, and made a
strange "crispy" sound. More bizarreness! But this appearance
does support my suggestion that any kind of sudden voltage
application to the oscillator, eliminates the smooth straight sparks.
John Freau