
Calculating inductance, capacitance, and resistance of 3D objects

I've just run across some interesting free software from MIT which
calculates the capacitance, inductance, and resistance of arbitrary
objects by numerical methods. I haven't had a chance to work with it
yet, but, it might prove useful to some for calculating Cself and Ctop
for all those weird toroid shapes, etc... It's at:


On a related note, has anyone done any modelling of TC's and their
environment using a tool like NEC? NEC supports helices, and does
calculate the turn to turn interactions, etc.  

Jim Lux                               Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ofc: 818/354-2075     114-B16         Mail Stop 161-213
lab: 818/354-2954     161-110         4800 Oak Grove Drive
fax: 818/393-6875                     Pasadena CA 91109