Good source for LDPE, HDPE, and PPE
Decent source of dielectrics for cap construction:
McMaster-Carr (www.mcmaster-dot-com)
Material Thk Size Tol Price Cat#
LDPE 1/16" 48"x96" +/- 5% $26.60 8657k911
HDPE 1/16" 48"x96" +/- 5% $28.99 8619k12
PPE 1/16" 48"x96" +/- 5% $24.57 8742k911
Been told that mineral oil may be ordered from the drug store in gallon
jugs as laxative. Also heard that vets use it for the same purpose. If
anyone knows a cheaper source, let me know.
Hope that you find this useful.
Ross Overstreet
Huntington Beach, CA