
Re: Results of new single static gap

Tesla List wrote:

> >
>         I understood about the other half cycle, I just did not want to have
> to draw it. :^)  Lazy.   But now you confuse me more.  If there is more than
> one firing per half cycle, lets say 2, is the first one just before peak
> voltage and the second one just after such that there is enough energy to
> charge the cap?  But now you said 4/quarter cycle.  Would the first firing
> of the 1/4 cycle have required closing the gap for it to fire at the
> sacrifice of more voltage rise with a larger gap?  Am I making my question
> clear?
> > Russ Thornton
> > CSR 2040,
> > Building 989, Rm.  A1-N20
> > Phone: (407) 494-6430
> > Email: thorntor-at-rc.pafb.af.mil
> >
> >Russ,

Sorry for the delay,  I've been out of town.

The static gap fires strictly based on spacing per unit gap.  Thus you can set
it to fire much more critically than most any rotary gap although with
considerable jitter.  Who cares though, right!?  It just doesn't mean beans.

The theory is that we want, ideally, two pops per power freq cycle or we are
accepting less than the full capacitor energy....  Thus. the lock in on sync
rotaries.  It is totally un-important.  Those who have been around doing
of theorizing will have long ago realized it is the time ordered energy
throughput that makes sparks and not max energy fired between huge expanses of
time.  This time interval is well in excess of most significant air ion
lifetimes.  Thus, the sparks might not extend on a 120 BPS sync rotary to the
same distance a similar powered 400bps system with smaller cap might.

The static gap can be made to fire four times per half cycle quite easily with
good design.  These four pops can be anywhere on the sine.  Most long
sparks are
created when the firings occur between 45 and 135 degrees into each half
Four pops anywhere in this region will supply a hell of a lot of repeated
to any spark channel.  The blasts will never ever be evenly or temporally
repeatedly spaced!!!!!!!!!   Again, who cares!?

I have managed to achieve static gap 6 firings per half cycle in small systems
with an occasional 8 pops per half, but it is tough to go that fine without
of gaps.  Also the small capacitor demanded limits input power, regardless.

I have fired systems from 30 degrees to 150 degrees per half cycle  They all
worked great.  Each system has a unique characteristic with advantages and
disadvantages.  In most systems I have at least 1 or two pops per half
cycle at
or very near the peak quadrature points.  If not, then I am guaranteed two
between 80 and 110 degrees in each half cycle, which for spark purposes, might
be bettter!!!!

The bottom line is that no static gap system will consistenetly fire at
just the
points you would like, but the time ordered average is real close.  Try
splattering you firings all over the sine.....you'll like it.

Richard Hull

> >
> >