Re: Tesla Coil Q Factors
From: "John H. Couture" <couturejh-at-worldnet.att-dot-net>
At 11:08 PM 8/25/98 -0600, you wrote:
>to Bert
>John's second equation is the foundation for all of Tesla's magnifiers:
--------------------- snip
>I've also noticed on this List that ocassionally some "builders" like to
>"pick on" John as a theorist --- much like experimental physicists
>jealously like to "pick on" theorists in their field. Many years ago I
---------------------- snip
Thank you DR RESONANCE for your concern about other coilers picking on
me. However, I believe that these coilers are trying to be of help and I
certainly welcome that type of comment. Tesla coil theory and operation is
complex and there are bound to be differences of opinion amongst coilers.
My comments on Tesla coils may not always be correct and I want this to be
brought to my attention. Bert and other coilers have furnished me with much
data that they have collected from tests of their coils and this
information I have used to improve my books and computer program.
I look upon Tesla coils as a hobby and my remarks are those of an amateur
trying to explain what makes a Tesla coil tick. We all have a lot to learn
about TC operation. The Internet is certainly a bonaza in this regard
because it is possible to get immediate reactions from other coilers to
ideas a coiler may ponder.
At one time I was a full fledge dirty hands coil builder and know that is
the only way to obtain certain information regarding Tesla coil behavior
(empirical data). I built many small coils of different types and sizes and
tested them for much more than spark length. Those days of sparks and
coronas I had little time to consider theory. It seemed that there was
always a new idea to try or another test to make.
My books are an amateur writer's attempt at trying to explain how a TC
works and how to build them. The Internet has reduced the need for TC books
but there is still information in my books and the books of other authors
that has not made the net.
So thanks to all of you coilers who have taken the time to reply to my TC
comentaries and I know your replies are meant to be beneficial.
John Couture