
Government pigs

From: "Thornton, Russ #CSR2000" <ThorntoR-at-rc.pafb.af.mil>

Hi guys,

I went to the DRMO yard yesterday afternoon to pick up the lot I won at the
last auction and wandered out to get more information about the pigs.  They
were way in the back.  As I got closer it became more apparent that Jim
Heagy was correct.  The vast majority of these transformers were huge. I
mean several of them were taller than me and bigger than an outhouse!  I did
not even get any data from them as it was quite clear that I could not
handle the logistics of moving them and disposing of the ones that were not
useful, which would have been most of them. It would have cost a couple of
hundred just for the transportation to my place and then I have no equipment
to handle anything over 500 pounds.
I apologize if any of you were overly excited about this adventure.
There was adequate interest if the pigs were the right type.
I will, however, keep checking the back yard of the DRMO for a more friendly
group of transformers and will report to the list.

And thanks again, Will, for the offer to come and help.  If you get around
the Patrick area on one of your trips let me know and we can have lunch.

Now, this is slightly off subject but related.  The lot that I won and
picked up was 14 A/C or refrigeration compressors.  I wanted to series a
couple of them to make a vacuum pump for obvious reasons.
Can anyone guide me as to how to check them out.  What to look for.
Questions I have are:
How do I check the oil level?  How do I add oil?  Do they need a capacitor
for starting or running?  Any suggestions on fittings/soldering/welding to
the stubs? Any other suggestions. Also, If more than two work anyone is
welcome to the rest.  It would probably be best to reply privately.

Thanks all,

Russ Thornton
CSR 2040, 
Building 989, Rm.  A1-N20
Phone: (407) 494-6430 
Email: thorntor-at-rc.pafb.af.mil