RE: PET ( or MYLAR )
Well, if 6u PET holds 600v then 9 mil PET should hold 900 kV, no? I should
be able to get a pop bottle to stand up to a 15 kV Tesla coil, even with 15
kV of LF riding ont he 15 kV of 60 Hz. I notice the CRC handbook lists the
dielectric constant of PET the same value for all three frequencies in their
table. Thats gotta be a good sign for low dissipation. I dont have a
microwave oven for dielectric loss testing right now.
Do you think a reliable soda pop bottle PSWC is possible for a 15kV powered
Tcoil ?
> ----------
> From: Kip Turner[SMTP:kip-at-mindspring-dot-com]
> Sent: Monday, August 24, 1998 22:15
> To: will.e.payne-at-lmco-dot-com
> Subject: PET ( or MYLAR )
> Will,
> That does not confirm my experiences with PET. I have been able
> to get 6 micron PET coated with 0.025 micron aluminum to operate at
> 600 VDC, but that is a "self healing thickness of aluminum. ( It will
> evaporate around a fault ). Very small pieces of the material might
> withstand somewhat higher potentials, probably due to favorable
> variations in thickness and other random events.
> I think he missed the decimal point somewhere. Suggest checking that
> hi-pot.
> For the moment, at least, I'm a non-believer.
> Kip