testing double pane windows with a small TC?
Slightly off topic, but here goes. I just bought a house with double
pane windows theoretically filled with Argon. Some of the windows were
damaged in installation, and there may be others with no visible damage,
but with a broken seal, inevitably causing a problem.
I figure I can check them by somehow looking to see if it is still Argon
inside. As I recall, Argon produces a noticeably different discharge
color (and much easier to ionize) than air, so it occurred to me that
one could check these windows by using a small TC (or a handheld Oudin
coil (e.g. a "leak checker")) near the window and looking at the color
and kind of discharge.
All of my playing around with this was at low pressures (< 1 torr). Has
anyone tried this? Other ideas?