
Secondary Frequency(fwd)

From:  Malcolm Watts [SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent:  Thursday, August 20, 1998 3:59 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Secondary Frequency(fwd)

Hi Chris,

> From:  chris.swinson [SMTP:chris.swinson-at-zetnet.co.uk]
> Sent:  Wednesday, August 19, 1998 7:49 AM
> To:  Tesla List
> Subject:  Re: Secondary Frequency(fwd)
> >
> >L is affected by the radius of the coil (geometry) as the radius is used to
> >calculate the inductance where L=(R^2 x N^2) / 9R + 10H, here R=radius,
> >N=number of turns, H=height. This is known as the Wheeler formula.
> Sod this mate, Its wrong some how.  Many people have got the same calculated
> results as me but to my actaul coil measured a lot less.  My coil was
> suppoed to be about 39mH but actual measurmet showed about 8Mh.  I have done
> many other coils, all are wong to the above calculation.  I don't calculated
> anything anymore, I just measure it all now, and wha tI carn't measure I
> guess at ;-)

A lot of people have put a lot of time into  investigating formulae 
that *do* work well. A disparity like that (I presume you meant 8mH?)
means you should be suspicious of your calculation, measurement or 
both. I use Medhurst and Wheeler to design new coils and cross check 
measurements on existing ones and they are good to well within 10%,
often well less than 5% if measured with good isolation.
