
Primary field strength

From:  chris.swinson [SMTP:chris.swinson-at-zetnet.co.uk]
Sent:  Wednesday, August 19, 1998 7:26 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Primary field strength

>From:  lod-at-pacbell-dot-net [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
>Sent:  Tuesday, August 18, 1998 12:29 PM
>To:  Tesla List
>Subject:  Re: Primary field strength
>chris.swinson wrote:
>> SNIP.....
>> >
>> >However, even with a shorter secondary, most of the magnetic coupling
>> >between the primary and secondary takes place at the bottom-most portion
>> >of the secondary. In fact, 80% or more of the primary's magnetic field
>> >is NOT coupled to the secondary coil... by design.
>> I'd have to disagree here.  My secondary is within the primary field by
>> about 4 inches.  By your terms ( If I read it right ) I'd only need the
>> bottom of the coil actually in the field of the primary.  If this is the
>> case, Why bother to have the extra coil length, If its no in the flux
>> its not reciving energy ?
>The xtra coil on a magnifier has no magnetic coupling at all
>to the driver, only an electrical connection.  The xtra coil
>is driven electrically, like the top section would be on the
>thin secondary coil mentioned above.

I know the xtra coil is not couppled, I haven't investigated this yet.  I
only ment the normal secondary coil.  Your mail ( to me ) read about
secondary coils not xtra coils.  So I'm still not sure if your saying if the
secondary is 100% in the flux of the primary or it only abou 20% in the

>If a capacitor is added between ground and a point about 10%
>up the secondary, then the operation mode of the coil starts
>to resemble that of a magnifier.  I like to call such a coil
>arrangement a "hybrid coil",  as it operates somewhere along
>the sliding scale between the TC and magnifier extremes.