
Primary field strength

From:  lod-at-pacbell-dot-net [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent:  Tuesday, August 18, 1998 12:29 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Primary field strength

chris.swinson wrote:

> SNIP.....
> >
> >However, even with a shorter secondary, most of the magnetic coupling
> >between the primary and secondary takes place at the bottom-most portion
> >of the secondary. In fact, 80% or more of the primary's magnetic field
> >is NOT coupled to the secondary coil... by design. 
> I'd have to disagree here.  My secondary is within the primary field by
> about 4 inches.  By your terms ( If I read it right ) I'd only need the
> bottom of the coil actually in the field of the primary.  If this is the
> case, Why bother to have the extra coil length, If its no in the flux surly
> its not reciving energy ?

The xtra coil on a magnifier has no magnetic coupling at all 
to the driver, only an electrical connection.  The xtra coil
is driven electrically, like the top section would be on the 
thin secondary coil mentioned above.

If a capacitor is added between ground and a point about 10%
up the secondary, then the operation mode of the coil starts 
to resemble that of a magnifier.  I like to call such a coil
arrangement a "hybrid coil",  as it operates somewhere along 
the sliding scale between the TC and magnifier extremes.
