
"Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation

From:  Dave Sharpe [SMTP:sccr4us-at-erols-dot-com]
Sent:  Wednesday, August 12, 1998 9:51 PM
To:  Chip Atkinson
Subject:  "Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation

Chip, ALL

A while back, (before the detonation of my HD :^C ) I has saved a copy
of a post for a sloped "pancake" primary inductance and tubing length
based on coil ID, OD, spacing and included acute angle from horizontal
plane.  I've tried searching in archives without success.  If someone
could privide I would appreciate it greatly.  I'm contemplating building
a small (450VA/ 15kV,30mA NST) system using a sloped primary where
the HEIGHT (ie included length) is adjustable while running.  This
would allow primary tuning, coincidental with coupling increase or
decrease.  Any help appreciated
