
Howdy, Folks !

From:  Dennis Rolfe [SMTP:drolfe-at-i2sworld-dot-com]
Sent:  Tuesday, August 11, 1998 7:04 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Howdy, Folks !

Try swapping the input wires to the primary of the transformer that you think is out of phase!!!!!!

At 11:17 PM 8/10/98 -0500, you wrote:



>From:  Payne, Will E [SMTP:will.e.payne-at-lmco-dot-com]

>Sent:  Monday, August 10, 1998 9:43 PM

>To:  'Tesla List'

>Subject:  Howdy, Folks !


>New member here, built a Tcoil in college. My modestly sucessful original

>design, plus a big 'un by a friend, is at http://www.altair-dot-org/tesla/ for

>reference.  Thinking about coiling up another one, but before proceeding

>farther, would welcome comments from all you experienced builders out there



>Have got two forms at my disposal, first is white PVC pipe 8 in x 6 ft with

>1/2 in walls, second is green fiberglass 12 in dia x 4 ft, with 1/8 in

>walls.  Have plenty of #20 wire, a variac, several 450 VA neon xfmrs, and a

>stovepipe toroid about 22x8 in.


>Which form ought I use ?  Is 450 VA enuff to drive a coil this size ?  


>Plan to start with saltwater caps and a fixed gap.  Comments ? 


>Tried parallel connecting 3 identical neon xfmrs all same make and model,

>but one acts almost as if 90 deg out of phase with the others.  What gives ?



>Might try to use the secondary for an output of my LF radio beacon.  Anyone

>tried this ?  (any lowfers out there I am YWK on 184.320 kHz CW, grid



>Thanks for your comments !




>William E. Payne

>275 Oak Hills Dr

>Dallas, GA    30132


>770-494-1104 (day)








Dennis Rolfe

<color><param>0000,0000,8080</param>Field Service Engineer

</color>Industrial <color><param>0000,0000,ffff</param>Systems

</color><color><param>ffff,0000,0000</param>Tel: 203-265-5684 or

</color><color><param>0000,ffff,0000</param>Fax: 203-269-7519



</color>URL: http://www.i2sworld-dot-com