
Quench, Coherence etc.

From:  Malcolm Watts [SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent:  Sunday, August 09, 1998 8:13 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Quench, Coherence etc.

Hi all,
        Here are a few results obtained from some experiments. Power 
supply was DC charger, BPS = 1.

Two Coil System

Lsec : 20.6mH,  Csec : 13.5pF,  H/D : 4.8,  Cterm : 6pF or so
Fs(w. term) : 250kHz

Lp : 17uH,  Cp : 25nF,  Vp : 13kV  (system breakout about 9kV)
Ep : 2.1J

Ttransfer : 12uS,  Ringup : 3 cycles of Fs,  k : 0.16

Gap = adjustable pipe gap.  Number of gaps varied from 2 to 8 during 
tests. Adjusted to fire at 13kV for each number of gaps.

Results: - 2 gaps : no effective quench except with attached streamer.
           Mostly 3, 4th notch quench. 11" hot blue spark to ground 
           rod 20% of the time.
         - 4 gaps : quench mostly 2nd notch w. no breakout, always 
           with breakout. Spark about the same as 2 gaps.
         - 6 gaps : quench always 2nd notch. Spark increased to 11.5"
           20% of the time.
         - 8 gaps : quench always 1st notch. Spark 10.5" for 20% of 
           shots - yep, it decreased.