
Output Voltage vs. Firing Rate (fwd)

From:  lod-at-pacbell-dot-net [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent:  Sunday, August 09, 1998 3:54 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Output Voltage vs. Firing Rate (fwd)

FutureT wrote:

> > My old coil 'coalesces' at around 1500RPM, or 150BPS.  However
> > the Electrum coil does so much earlier, around 110 to 120BPS.
> > Perhaps this is due to a squared/cubed relationship in the
> > surrounding ion cloud, or in the arc itself, where doubling the
> > scale increases the surface area by 4, but the volume by 8.
> > This would slow the dissipation of both the ion cloud and arc.
> > This is good news if true, for it would increase the upper limit
> > on the maximum practical size of a Tesla Coil.
> > -GL

> I would guess that if you used a different ROC
> toroid, the coalescence would occur at a different break rate.  I think
> if your main tank capacitor was of a different size, this too might
> affect the coalescent break rate.

Do you have a theory as to why ROC or Cpri might affect it?
