
Re: transformers (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 08:21:33 PDT
From: Grayson Dietrich <greystone21-at-hotmail-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: transformers (fwd)

>From tesla-request-at-pupman-dot-com Tue Aug  4 00:19:33 1998
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>Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 20:29:54 -0600 (MDT)
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: transformers  (fwd)
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>Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 00:11:20 +0100
>From: "chris.swinson" <chris.swinson-at-zetnet.co.uk>
>To: tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Subject: transformers 
>I've seen that a 12Kv 60 ma transformer can be used as a jacobs ladder.  
>why carn't this be done with a tesla coil.  I just get sparks all the 
>but not that nice "flame" that you do with a jacobs ladder.

This is because the voltage is so much higher (and the current so much 
lower) froma tesla coil than a NST. Try using parralel bars several 
inches (or as far apart as the coil will arc) apart. If the arcs between 
them are snappy rather than a thick purple arc, try reducing input 
power, or change the firing speed if you're using a rotary gap.
>I assume you can only do this with a AC supply like the Neons. 
Not neccesarily. If you used a smooth enough HV DC supply, a Jacobs 
ladder would wok fine, but no one does this since AC is so much easier 
to work with
 But a Tesla
>coil output is pulsed DC ( ? )
No, a tesla coil has a high-frequency AC output
 so it won't work, unless there is not enought
>( or to much current ).
>I can only assume that the same effect can be done with 2 secondarys 
>running at at dirrerent frquencys.  Using the 1/4 wave stuff.  I think 
>will do the same job.
>Has any one any ideas or comments on this ?
>Also does anyone know how to do a "2 phase coil" ?  This is where you 
get 2
>secondarys in 1 primary.  one will run at frequency X, and the other 
>run at 1/4 wave of X.  This is also supposed to give plasma balls as 
>Can any one help with any of the above before I go totally mad ???
I belive there is a page on the Tesla Coil webring with info on 
someone's current experiments towards the dual sec. single pri. plasma 
ball type coil
>Thanks guys :-)
>All the beST,

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